Established in 1985 by the University of Wollongong (UOW), UOWGE was primarily a technology-based company focusing on new and emerging technologies.
In 1988, the earlier form of UOW College Australia was established by UOWGE as an English language centre, with the introduction of pathway programs into UOW in 1990. This was the beginning of a shift from technology to education.
Taking to the world throughout the 1990s, UOWGE worked extensively with AusAID and managed educational capacity building projects around the world. UOWGE cemented its international presence when it established the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD) in 1993 as the first foreign private university in the United Arab Emirates.
In 1997, UOWGE officially moved out of technology markets and into education with the establishment of UniAdvice as the marketing and recruitment arm of UOW.
During the first decade of 2000, UOWGE expanded its position as a leader in the delivery of quality higher and vocational education and training on an international scale.
Today, UOWGE comprises of UOW in Dubai (UOWD), UOW College Australia (UOWCA), UOW College Hong Kong (UOWCHK) and UOW Malaysia (UOWM).
*UOWGE changed its name from Illawarra Technology Corporation (ITC) in mid-2013. ITC, a separate company wholly owned by the University of Wollongong, was established from the restructuring of the former entities the Illawarra Technology Centre, Uniadvice and several other centres located at the University in the late 1980s.